
Showing posts from December, 2017

Life Online: Success in Seconds

                The thing that bothers, confuses, and impresses me all at the same time about the tool of the Internet is peoples' abilities to make a living purely through posting content online. It was something I had never really thought of until I started watching people on YouTube with massive followings and fanbases, and realizing that their entire career is purely posting videos on the platform and making money, some making insane amounts of money. This concept of not having to get an education, but rather just be entertaining and well-liked in order to support yourself and in some cases even become very successful financially makes a lot of sense but is still very hard to wrap your mind around.          On one hand getting fame and creating a career for yourself online is not that different than most other entertainment professions. You're still providing comedy and something people want to view, but it is bein...

Guerilla Advertising: Just Another Way to Bother Us

                   Just give me a break. At what point does advertising become too much? In my opinion, it already has. Ads on the videos I watch, the music I listen to, the filled pages on the back of the comics section in the newspaper, even the door of the bathroom stalls. Yeah, some of the creative ways companies have found to push their product make me laugh or think a little deeper, but the overwhelming majority of advertising techniques just seem like a way to severely annoy me. Our lives have become a pit of companies hurling ads at each other, seeming more like a way to compete than to actually attract consumers. I feel like I'm caught in the middle of a tornado of commercials and billboards that I never agreed to be in. Living in an age of such overwhelming advertising everywhere I go makes me feel like a celebrity never able to escape the paparazzi or live a life without outside influence. It was already too much and now wi...

Millenial Distraction?

          As I, and I'm sure all of my peers, have experienced before, one of the biggest complaints from our parents and just general older people in our lives is that the Millennial and Generation Z kids are constantly on their phones and computers, cycling through all the pointless media that is, according to them, making us brain dead. While there is truth in their statements, and I have to agree that it is disconcerting just how much time I and all my peers spend on our various devices, I can't help but excuse myself at least a little bit knowing the motive behind it. For me at least I think that part of the reason I spend so much time wrapping myself in online entertainment is that it just completely takes my mind off of all of the messed up parts of my world. We're constantly surrounded by pressures from our teachers and parents and even our own expectations, infuriating and disappointing news stories, problems in our friend groups, and anger at the ...

A New Kind of Royal Engagement

           With Prince Harry's engagement to American actress Meghan Markle, there was a lot of talk about everything from her previous marriage to her religion, but the most prominent topic of discussion was about her race. Following the news of their engagement there was talk that she was a symbol of hope for the end of racism in Britain, while other articles countered that stating that her marriage into the royal family means little when it comes to the current societal issues regarding race. The first article I encountered was from The Guardian, and it followed along the lines of the first reaction I mentioned above. In this article the author first introduces the topic with a history lesson on the relationship between race and the royal family. She does this to point out to readers how big of a step it is in her eyes, and should be in others, that there is a royal engagement with a biracial woman. She uses the past as a way to further her argument t...

Disabling Ads: Devious Yet Possibly Hopeful

          A part of advertising I have long thought unconventional and captivating is the ability, on some platforms, to pay to disable advertisements. This has become an especially amplified topic to me as I spend more and more of my time listening to music on the app Spotify. While there are definitely many other platforms that also offer upgraded versions of their application that remove ads at a monthly cost, Spotify adds another way of ad disablement to the media world, and it is this method that really grabs my attention. For people that have not used Spotify before, a common occurrence for those without Spotify Premium is the interruption of your music streaming to present the screen display and audio pictured above. Rather than just bombarding you with commercials, you have the option to watch what they call a "short video" in order to get 30 minutes of ad-free music streaming. While I am not going to delve into it in this blog post, it is interesti...